St Bartholomew’s, Tong
Video Stories
Video Stories
We have recently completed the production of six “video stories” to highlight various aspects of our beautiful and historic church. Each video is narrtated by Simon Bates, a native of the village. We truly hope that you can find the time to sit back and enjoy what we have created and that each story enocurages you to come and take a closer look for yourself.
Welcome to this church
These videos, which have been several years in the making, will show you some of the highlights of the history and of the characters connected with this place .
Lady Isobella
The Golden Chapel
The Great Bell
The Stanley Memorial
Charles Dickens

The future
Working towards a bright future…
Looking after the valuable infrastructure of the church as it has evolved over the centuries, whilst at the same time ensuring that it is fit for a range of purposes deemed important in the twentry first century is an on going challenge. You can find out how we are rising to that challenge on the pages dedicated to the 2020 Vision Project by clicking the link below.
Would You Like To Support Us?
The Tong Vision for 2020 and beyond has a target to raise £500,000 over the next 3 years in order to fund urgent and
essential restoration work, and to ensure that all visitors and congregations can continue to enjoy this unique building!
If you can offer your support either financially, in-kind or otherwise, please contact us or visit our JustGiving page by clicking the image, below.

A big thank you to all our supporters! Particular thanks go to the following:

To view details of our charitable status please click here