St Bartholomew’s, Tong

Family History Research

People come from around the globe to research their family links with St Bartholomew’s Church. 

Most popular are relatives of the Vernon and Durant families and we have had interest shown
from a New Zealand branch of the Durant family, the St George’s.

Search census data

If you are interested in carrying out some family history research you might like to look at our Tong Census pages.

The following is an extract from the December 2020 news page and is written by The Revd Preb. Pippa Thorneycroft, MInister in Charge at St Bartholomew’s Tong.

“Over the first lockdown [2020] and until recently I have been busy recording the burials in the churchyard since 1901 as written up in the Burial Register, as well as scrubbing some of the older gravestones some of which date back to mid 18th century, though not all are legible. I have become very familiar with the names and when I received an enquiry recently from Australia about the Wedge family, I was able to reply with the touch of a few computer keys that there were 13 recorded including any information about their date of death, where they lived and their ages. The Ven George Frost and his wife Joyce have been instrumental in getting all this recorded on Word which will be available on our website. For the current lockdown I am going to start on the 757 entries in the Baptism register which ultimately will also be available on the website too. That register is now 100 years old. In our new arrangements around the South Porch ( the work is all but finished except for two major installations which are the glass doors and the bedding down of Humphrey Vernon Tomb top) there is a touch screen to which these registers will be added, but also the five films done by Geoff Ward and spoken by Simon Bates. They are very professional and well worth a look talking about the most salient points of the history of the church.”

Would You Like To Support Us?

The Tong Vision for 2020 and beyond has a target to raise £500,000 over the next 3 years in order to fund urgent and
essential restoration work, and to ensure that all visitors and congregations can continue to enjoy this unique building!
If you can offer your support either financially, in-kind or otherwise, please contact us or visit our JustGiving page by clicking the image, below.

Link to Tong Church Just Giving Page

A big thank you to all our supporters! Particular thanks go to the following:

To view details of our charitable status please click here

Tong Church has everything

But don’t take our word for it. Join us on a tour of our beautiful church….

We are able to offer a conducted tour of our famous, beautiful church. This ancient building was dedicated in 1410, and is held to be one of the finest examples of a church built in perpendicular style in the country.

Our tour lasts for about an hour, during which time you will see the famous Golden Chapel, our unique collection of magnificent medieval tombs and carved effigies. You can explore our historical links with Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare and not forgetting little Nell!

And, not for the faint hearted, try a tour of the tower. You will see one of the largest bells in the country!  Nowadays, due to Health and Safety concerns  regarding the very worn spiral steps and extremely limited space we only let visitors up the tower at their own risk and make them sign a disclaimer, but Bell ringing enthusiasts are often still keen to visit.