St Bartholomew’s, Tong

Planning a Baptism

We welcome both adult and child baptisms (christenings). These can take place during a Sunday Service, often the Family Service on the first Sunday of the month, or can be arranged at 12.30 pm, but at that time there is no organist present, so it is a said service only. We like the family of the baptised to feel welcomed by the congregation if possible.

Requests for baptisms should be addressed, in the first instance, to Wendy Aykroyd, telephone 01952 291532 (10am to 2pm) or e-mail

What is Baptism?

Baptism is a “sacrament”, a visible sign of God’s love.

In Baptism, we are thanking God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledging his love.
We are acknowledging that we all need to turn away from selfishness and evil and to accept God’s offer of a new start.

In baptism your child or yourself is:

Signed with the cross

  • To show that we belong to Christ who died on the cross.
  • As an act of dedication in the service of Christ.
  • As a sign of God’s love for us, a love which is stronger than death.
  • “I sign you with the cross, the sign of Christ”

Baptised with water

  • As a sign that we are made clean through God’s love and forgiveness.
  • As a sign of God’s life-giving power.
  • As a symbol of our new life, won for us when Jesus rose from the dead.
  • “I baptise you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Given a lighted candle

  • As a sign that God has shown himself to us in Jesus, to be the light of the world.
  • As a symbol of the promise that God will guide us with his light if we trust in him.
  • As a sign that we may grow to reflect the light of Christ in our lives.
  • “Receive this light…. Shine as a light in the world to the glory of God the Father.”

Parents and Godparents promise to help in three special ways:

1. Prayer

Even if you don’t find prayer very easy it is still important to teach your child to pray. Prayer can help your home to become a place of love, security and trust. Prayer helps your children to grow up to know and love God through his son Jesus. Prayer is always there when you need it! Family prayers needn’t be long or heavy. A good pattern is to encourage children to say a short prayer of their own about anything they choose, then you can say one, and perhaps finish with the Lord’s Prayer.

2. Example

The best example you can give is to come to church as a family, where your children can come and meet God in other people and know what it is to belong to a wider family. Worship comes in many forms to suit your different needs.

The best example of God’s love we have is in the life of Jesus. If we try to live by his standards we will be giving our children the best example we can. Jesus taught us to love God and to love our neighbour as ourselves.

3. Teaching

Most people find it difficult to teach their children about the Christian faith, but don’t be put off; the family of the church can help you begin. We welcome children to all our services, and especially to our Family Service at 11am on the First Sunday of the Month.

Godparents should be chosen for the long haul. As children become adults they often need someone they can trust outside the family who can be a rôle model and a confidante. They can often show a different way of thinking and behaving to widen a young person’s horizon. Godparents can be wonderful listeners without judging. They can be there in a crisis and they can help in the child’s spiritual development too.

Grown-ups do not have godparents, but may have a sponsor who is a special friend or family member which can be a great support. Adults make the same serious promises that are made for children:

I turn to Christ
I repent of my sins
I renounce Evil

And they join in the words of the Creed, the basis of what Christians believe.

Would you like to help us?

The Tong Vision for 2020 and beyond had a target to raise £500,000 over 3 years in order to fund urgent and
essential restoration work, and to ensure that all visitors and congregations can continue to enjoy this unique building! If you can
offer your support either financially, in-kind or otherwise, please contact Revd Pippa Thorneycroft ( ) or
the Vision2020 “Support Us” page on this web site, or visit our JustGiving page by clicking on the image, below.

A big thank you to all our supporters! Particular thanks go to the following:

St Bartholomew’s Church
TF11 8PW

General enquiries to:

Minister In Charge:
The Revd. Preb. Pippa Thorneycroft
Tel: 01902 375523

Events information:
Tel: 07970 869011

Parish Administrator:
(Weddings. Baptisms etc.)
Wendy Aykroyd

Find us on Facebook:
If you have visited us, for whatever reason,  we would really appreciate it if you would visit our Facebook page and leave a comment, review or a picture or two!
Facebook link

Would You Like To Support Us?

The Tong Vision for 2020 and beyond has a target to raise £500,000 over the next 3 years in order to fund urgent and
essential restoration work, and to ensure that all visitors and congregations can continue to enjoy this unique building!

If you can offer your support either financially, in-kind or otherwise, please contact Revd Pippa Thorneycroft ( or visit our JustGiving page by clicking the image, below.

Link to Tong Church Just Giving Page

At present there are no toilet facilities at Tong Church.  For an organised tour and at weddings, baptisms and funerals as well as Sunday services, access to the Parish Hall (two minutes walk) is available.  For concerts and fêtes we usually provide portaloos.

If you find it difficult to walk up the slope to church to attend services please let us know by sending someone ahead or Tel: 07970 869011 and we will provide assistance. We regret that we are unable to offer this support during the week for visitors.

St Bartholomew’s Church, Tong is committed to Safeguarding and has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies. Our Safeguarding Coordinator is Lisa and she can be contacted on 07535 159421.