St Bartholomew’s. Tong
Discovering Tong
Book Index
Book Index
Here is a copy of the index taken from the book, so you can see the wide range of topics the book covers. Links to pages containing extracts from the book are underlined.

To learn more about the author of ‘Discovering Tong, Robert Jeffrey, please follow this link.
A Ainsworth, Harrison 155 Albrighton 11, 113, 142, 163 Albrighton Hunt 117, 124 Almshouses 68, 126 Andreas, Bernard 27 Aquatic Tournament 60 Aragon, Catherine of 27 Archdeacons of Salop 119 Arthur, Prince ➚ 26, 88 Aubrey, John 151 Auden, Revd J.E. 5, 14, 69, 74, 102, 110, 116, 123, 160, 171 Auden, W.H. 116 Avoncroft Museum of Buildings ➚ 70 B Baddeley, John 135 Bakewell 26, 28, 89 Ball, Elizabeth 159 Bates, Simon 127 Beaconsfield, Earl of 131 Beardmore, Revd S. 114 Beaufoy family 45 Bell Inn 130 Bells of Tong 81, 102 Belmeis, de family 20, 134, 135 Belvoir Castle 26 Betjeman, John 7, 14 Birmingham Weekly Post 171 Bishops Wood 121, 132 Bishton family 43, 54, 123, 134 Black Death 73, 172 Blount, George 78 Blymhill 97, 118 Boden, George 171 Boden, John 93, 120, 127, 160 Boscobel 156, 173 Bosworth, Battle of 26 Bottesford 13, 89 Bradbury, Mary Jane 50, 54 Bradford, Earls of 32, 40, 68, 70, 85, 95, 97, 101, 109, 117, 126, 139 Bray, Revd Thomas 106 Breese, Clara 142 Brewood 49, 93, 173 Bridgeman family 95 Brown, Ingram 69, 125 Brown, Lawrence ‘Capability’ ➚ 41, 173 Buckeridge, Revd Theophilus 57, 107, 114 Buckeridge, Ven Charles 40, 93, 114 Buildwas Abbey 134 Burbage, Richard 150 Burd family 123 Burford 13 Burlington 19, 121, 136 Burritt, Elihu 13, 101, 141, 175 Byng, John (Lord Torrington) 12, 43 Byron, Lord 94 C Caen 57 Census figures 121, 136, 174. Appendix H Chambers, E.K. 149 Chantry, the Vernon 56, 74, 87, 96 Charles, King I 12, 30 Charles, King II 35, 123, 156 Cherrington family 103 Childwick Hall 52, 62, 67 Chillington 41, 78, 156 Christian, Ewan 97 Chrysom’s Graveyard 94 Church Farm 127 Church Organ 104 Civil War 12, 30, 79, 85, 101 Clamarte 52 Clarke, Canon Lowther 159 Clarke, Revd John 116 Cliffe, Elizabeth 51 Coles 12, 126 Consistory Court 110 Convent Lodge 57, 70, 120, 124, 159 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 109 Cosford 134 Courtney Clarke, Revd J.H. 160 Cousins, Andrew 119 Cranage, C. 14, 81, 108, 147 D Davies, Joan 125 Derby, Earls of 28 Dickens, Charles 156, 172 Digby, Sir Kenelm 151 Dissolution of the Monasteries ➚ 78 Domesday Book 11, 19 Donnington 19 Drury, John 175 Duffy, Prof E. 113 Dugdale, Sir William 12, 86, 147 Duncalfe family 126 Durant, Anguish 54 Durant, Anthony 70 Durant, Augustine 125 Durant, Bruce 54 Durant, Celeste 56, 60, 125 Durant, Edwin 62, 159 Durant, Ernest 54, 61 Durant, Frank 56 Durant, George (1) 93, 135. Chapter 3 Durant, George (2) 107, 114, 123, 127, 141. Chapter 4 Durant, George (3) 67 Durant, George (4) 62, 125 Durant, Josiah 35, 36, 42 Durant, Mark 94 Dyer, J.A. 142 Dymoke, Margaret 78, 89 E Easter Sepulchre 76, 105 Egyptian Fowl House 133 Elcock, Randalph 93 Eld family 49 Esdaile, Mrs 92, 148 Evans, Charles 59 Evelyn, John 153 Eynsham Abbey ➚ 29, 91, 151 Eyton, Revd R.W. 14, 147 F Fitzherbert, Maria ➚ 32 Fitz-Osborne, William 19 Follis, Preb H. 118 Fowler, E.T. 68, 166 Fox, Henry 36 Frost, Ven George 119, 175 G Gargery, Revd E.J. 117, 144 George Durant (3) 67 George, King IV 32 Giffard family 78, 93, 107, 108, 129 Gissing, George 159 Gostwick, Sir William 149 Gough, Richard 123 Grace, W.G. 116 Great Bell of Tong 81, 96, 101 Green Man 85 Green, Syd 127 Greener, Thomas 142 Griffiths, George 98, 108, 118, 121, 153, 159 Grove, Revd Walter 117 Guadeloupe 36, 37 Guiness, Revd Arthur 117 H Haddon Hall ➚ 13, 26, 27, 28, 85, 89 Hagley Hall 35 Hall, Ven John 119 Hamilton, Elizabeth 45 Harbison, Robert 11 Harcourt, de family 21 Harding, Revd George 115 Harding, Revd John 115 Harries, Dame Elinor 107, 144 Harries, Sir Thomas 30, 91 Hartley, John 68, 96, 123, 166 Havana, sack of ➚ 39, 46 Hawkstone Hall 60 Heaton, Revd F. 117 Henry, King VII 26, 88 Hibbert-Hingston family 124 Higgs, Daniel 30, 93 Hillier, Caroline 14 Hilton, Revd Robert 113 Holdgate, Revd W. 117 Holly Tree Cottage 127 Holt Farm 132, 172 Honigmann, Prof E.J. 149 Hubbal Grange 129, 156 Hugh of Avranches 19 Hussey, Christopher 164 IIce House 42 Inglis, James 142 J Jeffery, Very Revd Robert 119 Jenkins, Simon 15 John, King 20 Johnson, Revd Graham 119 Johnson, Samuel 45 Jones family of Ruckley 68, 115 Jonson, Ben 152 K Kilsall 43, 95, 121, 123 Kingston, Dukes of 35, 125 Knights Templar 84 Knoll Farm 131 Knoll, The 52, 61 | L Lachaisse, Pierre 52 Lapley 78, 113 Lawrence, Revd Richard 108, 115 Lichfield Cathedral ➚ 53, 111 Lichfield, Bishops of 98, 103, 117 Lilleshall 20, 135 Lingen, Isabel 21 Little Nell 144, 156 Liverpool Cathedral 111 Lizard Grange 135, 172 Lizard Mill 135 Longstaff, John 142 Lyttleton, Lord George 36 M Mander family 95, 111, 123 Manners, John 28 Manners, Robert 150 Manners, Sir Richard 78 Marshall, Revd John 115 McGuffie, T.H. 39 Meashill Farm 132 Meeson, Revd. Geroge 113 Mells 13 Mercia, Edwin Earl of 19 Milligan, Revd W. 117 Milton, John 150 Misericord 84 Montagu, Lady Mary 69, 153 Montgomery, Hugh (Earl of Shrewsbury) 20 Montgomery, Roger (Earl of Shrewsbury) 19, 73, 81 Moore, Thomas 60, 94 Mosse, William 74 Mucklestone, Revd Dr 53, 114 N Neachley 123 New Buildings Farm 123 Norton Farm 130 Norton Mere 131 O Offoxey Farm 132 Offoxey Road 130, 132 Old Bush House 130 Old Post Office 126 Old School House 128 Ore family 119, 126 Ore, Thomas 96, 105 Oxford 36, 49, 67 P Pains Hill 60 Payne, Major Charnock 40, 46 Peace of Paris ➚ 94 Peitier, Revd Lewis 107, 113 Pembridge 74 Pembrugge, Fulke (4) 21, 73, 85 Pembrugge, Henry 21 Pembrugge, Isabel 73, 85, 144 Penderell family 129 Penderell, Richard ➚ 156 Petit 96, 159 Pevsner, Nikolaus 11, 81, 93, 108 Pickmere 135 Pierrepont family 30, 40, 79, 92, 106, 113, 141, 153 Priory, The 128, 144 Pype, Sir Robert 24 R Red House, The 95, 126 Rivett-Carnac, Revd George 116 Ruckley 11, 57, 62, 67, 96, 134 Rushout, Sir John 44 S Salop, Archdeacons of 125 Salter family 129, 130, 160 Schama, Simon 173 Scott, Archdeacon of Stafford 15 Seighford 52, 94 Shakeshaft 149 Shakespeare, William 91, 147 Shifnal 56, 133 Shottesbrooke 23, 73, 76, 81, 105 Shrewsbury Abbey ➚ 20, 58, 73, 78 Shrewsbury Chronicle 49, 60, 98, 163 Shrewsbury, Battle of 73 Skeffington, William 93 Skelding, Revd Brian 118 Slaney, Elizabeth 93, 114 Smith, Carrington 32 Smythe, Walter 32 South Pool 57 Southall, Revd William 113 Southampton, Earl of 150 Spencer, Preb John 118 Spirit of Tong, The 118, 144 St. George, Edwin 53 St. George, George 53, 54, 61 St. George, Leonard 53, 114 Stanley, Sir Edward 29, 90, 147 Stanley, Sir Thomas 90, 148 Stanley, Venetia 151 Street, George 97 Swan, Walter 74 Swynfen, Margaret 24 Symonds, Richard 12 T Talbot family 26, 87 Thoresby 30, 41 Thorneycroft, Thomas 68 Tindall, Harry 120, 125 Tong Castle 21, 30, 42, 166. Chapter 2 Tong Castle Hill 20 Tong Church 81. Chapter 7 Tong College 73, 104, 106, 108, 113, 141. Chapter 6 Tong Cup 108, 116, 144 Tong Forge 132, 134, 173 Tong Hall 62, 120, 125 Tong Havannah 135 Tong Hill 141 Tong Hill Farm 129 Tong House 125 Tong Minister’s Library 27, 85, 106, 125 Tong Norton 20, 59, 86, 130 Tong Parish Boundaries 121 Tong Park Farm 30, 67, 70, 124 Tong Post Office 57 Tong Quarry 128 Tong School 13, 128, 139 Tong Vicarage 79 Tong Village Hall 141 Tong Wake 143 Trussell family 23 Tuck family 126 Turin Shroud 84 V Vauxhall Farm 59, 133 Vernon, Humphrey 89 Vernon, Roger 89 Vernon, Sir Arthur 27, 88 Vernon, Sir George 28, 78, 89 Vernon, Sir Henry 81, 87, 101, 118 Vernon, Sir Richard 22, 74, 87, 89 Vernon, Sir William 24, 87 Vicarage 125 Victoria and Albert Museum 107, 109 Village Hall 128 Visitation Charge 15, 110 W Walker, Reid 96, 134 Walpole, Horace 153 Walthamstow, St Mary 92, 148 Wardens of Tong 74, 98 Warmington 23 Watling Street 19, 173 Watney, Simon 149 Wedge family 57, 142 Werstley, Christabel 69 West, Revd J.C. 118 Westminster Abbey 88 Weston Park 72, 131 Weston-under-Lizard 77, 84, 95, 97, 130 Wharton, Alan 70 Wheaton Aston 77 White Ladies Priory 78, 129 White Oak Farm 132 White Oak Lodge 132 Willington, St. Laurence 149 Willoughby, Hon Henry 32, 92 Wilson, Revd Charles 116 Wodehouse, P.G. 168 Wolverhampton 68, 97 Wolverhampton Express and Star 109 Wolverhampton, Lord 166 Woodhouse, Revd George 115 Woolley family 32, 103, 119, 128 Woolriche, James 78 Worcester 35 Worfe, River 19, 173 Wylde, Anne 92 Wylde, Sir John 92 Y Yates, Revd Albert 118 Z Zouche, la family 20, 86 |

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