Maltese cross in Chrysom’s Cemetery

© Copyright text based on Tong Church guide by R.M.C. Jeffery , picture R.P. Stallard
Picture 23 of 45
Between the north aisle and the vestry is a piece of ground, known as Chrysom’s Cemetery. The tradition is that it was a burial ground for un-baptised children. George Durant II buried his un-baptised children here. The Maltese Cross was erected in 1823 and originally had three quotations on it by famous authors (T. Moore; Byron and Walter Scott), but the weather has defaced them.
Like the last beam of evening thrown on a white cloud - just seen and gone W. Scott
See also:
George Durant I (1732-1780) Owner of Tong 1764-1780., Tong Church and Tong Castle 1855