Civil War damage

© Copyright text based on Tong Church guide by R.M.C. Jeffery , picture R.P. Stallard
Picture 27 of 45
On the north exterior wall, near the walled up ‘Door of Excommunication’ is the mark of a cannon ball from the Civil War. Tong Castle was fought over twice. Richard Symons (1617-92), who was a member of the Royalist Army, has this entry in his diary: Satterday, May 17, 1645. His Majestic marched by Tong, com. Salop, a faire church, the windows much broken. A fayre old castle neare this church called Tong Castle.
After the reformation Tong College had fallen into disrepair and probably used as a first line of defence of the castle. A stray cannon ball aimed at the College may have caused the damage. Tong castle itself was badly damaged and burnt down during the first part of the war 1644.
See also:
Ground plan of Tong College