Sir Henry Vernon (1445-1515)

Sir Henry Vernons’s tomb is in a wide Burgundian arch between the Golden Chapel and the south aisle. The wall above the arch is enriched with four tabernacled niches, now without their original images.
Sir Henry Vernon, son of Sir William, was Guardian and Treasurer to the eldest son of King Henry VII, Arthur, Prince of Wales ➚, who lived at Ludlow Castle ➚. Arthur was made Prince of Wales in 1499 and the Government of Wales was vested in him with Sir Henry Vernon as his chief Counsellor. At the age of 16, Prince Arthur married Katherine of Aragon ➚ and Sir Henry Vernon was a witness to the marriage contract. Arthur died soon afterwards, in 1502. Because his elder brother had married Katherine of Aragon prior to his own marriage to her, Henry VIII claimed the right to divorce her. This was the immediate cause of the break with Rome and the Reformation.
Here lie the bodies of Sir Henry Vernon Knight the founder of this Chantry Chapel and Dame Anne Talbot his wife, daughter of John Earl of Shrewsbury which Sir Henry died the 13th day of the month of April in the year of Our Lord 1515 and the said Lady Anne died on the 17th day of May in the year of Our Lord 1494.